Publication Houses
ELA publishing is an international publisher established to publish the highest quality books in the fields of Education, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Personal Development and the best journals in the fields of Education, Social Sciences and Fine Arts. ELA publishing serves with its strong academic staff to carry scientific knowledge to both national and international standards. Always for the better at the only address where knowledge meets the public.
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications (IJONTE) is a peer-reviewed twice a year from 2020 (June and December) e-journal.
International Journal of Excellent Leadership (IJEL) is an open access publication affiliated to ELA Publishing. The editorial board of IJEL exercises complete control over the editorial content of the journal and it is published semiannually. IJEL invites authors to submit manuscripts throughout the year to get accommodated in any of these editions. IJEL also can request participants in its EMD conferences to submit their original manuscripts for review.
International Journal of the Search for Excellence in Social Sciences (USMAD) started its publication life in 2021. Published twice a year, the International Journal in Search of Excellence in Social Sciences accepts qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles from all fields of social sciences (literature, history, geography, psychology, philosophy, sociology, archaeology, anthropology, art history, politics, theology, communication, journalism, law, public relations, economics, business, economics, philology, educational sciences and teacher training).
International Journal in Search of Excellence in Leadership (ULMAD) started its publication life in 2021. Published twice a year, the International Journal in Search of Excellence in Leadership accepts qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles on leaders and leadership from all disciplines (such as science, informatics, arts, sports, social sciences, politics, health, philology, educational sciences and teacher training).
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching (JRET). The first issue of the Journal of Research in Education and Teaching was published on February 01, 2012. Our international journal, whose publication processes are carried out in accordance with scientific, blind refereeing rules, is published regularly quarterly, four times a year.
International Journal in Search of Excellence in Education (UEMAD) started its publication life in 2021. The International Journal in Search of Excellence in Education, published twice a year, accepts all qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles related to education, teacher training (such as educational sciences, social sciences education, science education, fine arts and sports education, nursing education), adult education, higher education.
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Search for Excellence (UDMAD) started its publication life in 2021. Published twice a year, the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Search for Excellence accepts single or interrelated qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles from all disciplines (such as science, informatics, arts, sports, social sciences, politics, health, philology, educational sciences and teacher training).
International Journal of the Quest for Excellence in Qualitative Research in Education (UENAMAD) 2021 yılında yayın hayatına başladı. Yılda iki kez yayınlanan International Journal of the Quest for Excellence in Qualitative Research in Education, eğitim, öğretmen yetiştirme (eğitim bilimleri, sosyal bilimler eğitimi, fen eğitimi, güzel sanatlar ve spor eğitimi, hemşirelik eğitimi gibi), yetişkin eğitimi, yükseköğretim konularındaki tüm nitel bilimsel makaleleri kabul etmektedir.
Publication Opportunities
If your papers that you present at our congress conform to the article format, they can be published in one of our journals that we offer to you after going through the referee process according to the decision of the editorial board.
After receiving your requests regarding which journal your articles will be published in, you will be informed about the publishing processes in line with the compliance of the number of articles received with the requirements of the journal and the decisions of our editors. The publication process will be initiated by informing you about the decision on which of our supporting journals your paper will be published as an article. You will be requested to prepare a full text in accordance with the format of the journal and your article will be edited according to the rules of the journal to be published. Yayın hakemlik süreci, ilgili dergi editor kurulunun hakem değerlendirme sürecini başlatması ile devam edecektir. The process will be carried out with the editor of the relevant journal after your work enters the referee process.
Your accepted papers will be published as an abstract book in the digital system.
KİTAP BÖLÜMLERİNİZİN hangi kitabımızda yayınlanmasını istediğinize ilişkin talepleriniz alındıktan sonra, ilgili editör yayınızın konusunu uygun görürse ise size kitap bölümüne ilişkin yazım kurallarını gönderecektir. Kitap bölümü ile ilgili tüm süreç (değerlendirme, yayın kararı vb) ilgili editör/ler tarafından yürütülecektir.
Aşağıda isimleri ve editörleri yer alan Uluslararası Kitaplarımız Ela Yayıncılık İle yaptığımız işbirliği neticesinde Ela Yayıncılık tarafından dijital olarak çıkarılacaktır.
Below are our books to be published by International Ela Publishing.
Çıkarılacak kitaplarımız tematiktik olup, sadece söz konusu alanları kapsayacaktır. Bu alanların dışındaki çalışmalar kitap editörü/leri tarafından değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Kitaplarımızı çıkaracağım yayınevimiz uluslararası yayınevi kriterlerini karşılamaktadır.
Eğitimde Mükemmellik Arayışı 2024 (Editörler: Dr. Erkan KIRAL, Dr. Mehmet ULUTAŞ)
Sosyal Bilimlerde Mükemmellik Arayışı 2024 (Editör: Dr. Hakan TOYTOK)
Fen-Matematik Bilimlerinde Mükemmellik Arayışı 2024 (Editörler: Dr. Dilek KARIŞAN, Dr. Ümran Betül CEBESOY)
Disiplinlerarası Mükemmellik Arayışı 2024 (Editörler: Dr. Adem BAYAR, Dr. İsa BAHAT)
Dolayısıyla Kongrede Bildiri sunumlarını, kitap bölümlerini ve makale bölümlerini Doçentlik başvurularında kullanılabilir.
Paper Evaluation Process
First of all, our participants are expected to send their abstracts to the congress e-mail address by editing them according to the sample abstract text template. Our responsible author should indicate in the e-mail that you will participate in the congress face-to-face, online or by registration. The papers that fall into our system will be evaluated in the preliminary review by our general coordinators (two field experts at PhD level). If it is determined that the paper does not comply with the abstract template in the preliminary review, the paper will not be sent to the relevant field coordinator, the responsible author will be notified as soon as possible (within 24 hours at most) that the paper does not comply with the template and does not pass the preliminary review, and the responsible author will be asked to upload the paper to the system again in accordance with the template.
Papers that are suitable for the template as a result of the preliminary review will be sent to the relevant field coordinator. Our field coordinator will send the paper and the evaluation template to two independent field referees in the scientific committee and in the referee pool created in advance. Double blind referee evaluation is carried out in our congresses. The referees evaluate the papers according to the evaluation criteria announced on the congress web page without seeing the names of the authors and institutions. Our referees make their evaluations by scoring on the evaluation criteria determined according to the 5-point Likert scale. Papers will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria prepared according to various criteria such as abstract content and originality of the subject. As a result of the evaluation of the field referees, the paper that receives at least 5 points out of 10 will deserve to be presented at the congress. For referee evaluation form click here.
Each paper must receive two acceptances. If a paper receives one acceptance and one rejection, it is sent to a third referee. If the third referee gives acceptance (minimum 5 points), the paper is accepted. If rejected, the paper does not deserve to be presented at the congress. The referee writes a short evaluation report on the rejected paper. In general, the referee evaluation process takes 3-5 days on average. Referee evaluation results are sent to the relevant field coordinator. The field coordinator reviews the evaluations and informs our coordinators in the preliminary review that the paper has been accepted or rejected. Our coordinators list the final status of the papers and submit them to the Advisory Board for approval. After the approval of the Advisory Board, the final decision is notified to the responsible author via e-mail, and the accepted papers are announced to the general public on the website on the specified date.
Note: If our participant prefers to make a poster presentation instead of a paper presentation, he/she should indicate this request in the e-mail.
Publication Process
Dear participant, If you prefer to publish the papers you present at our congress as an article or book chapter, they will be evaluated for publication in one of our journals or one of the books we will publish after a comprehensive review process and in line with the evaluation of the editorial board. Your requests regarding the journal or book to be published will be received from you, and your article or book chapter will be directed to the relevant journal or book in line with the suggestions of our editors according to the requests received. You will be notified of the final decision on the most appropriate journal or book to publish your publication. You will then contact the editor of the relevant journal or book chapter.